Just For Fun

Organizing with Cats

By Hazel Thornton | May 17, 2014 |

How do YOU organize with, and for, your cats? Please share with us in the comment section below! Featuring: George, Callie, Casey (RIP), Emily (RIP), Tommy the Terror Tabby, Joey, and Huan Huang. Category: It’s my blog and I can write what I want to. Related posts: Hits & Misses: 12 Things I’ve Tried So…


The Original Pack-Rat?

By Hazel Thornton | August 31, 2013 |

My Placitas, NM client and I had spent hours cleaning out her garage, which was largely full of recyclables. We packed them into her pick-up truck, covered them with a tarp, and tied them down. All set to go to the recycle center! Except… the truck wouldn’t start. She fiddled around for a minute and…


How to Pack Like a Pro

By Hazel Thornton | April 29, 2013 |

Want to know how to pack a suitcase like a pro? A professional organizer, that is? Well, I can’t speak for all of them. OK, it’s just me. Want to know how to pack like me? Here is my philosophy of packing, to paraphrase comedian Steven Wright: You can’t take everything. Where would you put…


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Hazel's Books

Book cover: What's a Photo Without the Story? How to Create Your Family Legacy

What’s a Photo Without the Story? How to Create Your Family Legacy

Cover of "Go With the Flow! (The Clutter Flow Chart Workbook)"

Go With the Flow! (The Clutter Flow Chart Workbook)

Cover of "Hung Jury: The Diary of a Menendez Juror"

Hung Jury: The Diary of a Menendez Juror
