Organizing to De-Stress Your Holidays (all of them)

By Hazel Thornton | November 18, 2019 |

What are “holidays” and why are they so stressful? A holiday is any special occasion, all year round, which involves extra preparations; extra time, money and energy; and extra people, families in particular. Examples include birthdays, weddings, religious holidays, and secular holidays. Holiday stress comes from having unrealistic expectations of yourself and others. Sometimes it’s the…


The 21 Day Habit Myth (Don’t Break the Chain!)

By Hazel Thornton | November 4, 2019 |

I hate to be a party pooper, but I just don’t believe it takes 21 days to create a habit. Or 30 days. Or however long people are saying. It’s true that you can’t simply do something for only 3 days, or 10, and expect it to “stick”. And the effort required to create a…


Organizing for Stressful Times

By Hazel Thornton | October 21, 2019 |

These are stressful times. And I think we’re all feeling it one way or another. (I originally wrote this post during a specific national crisis, but really, every day is stressful for someone, isn’t it?) Are you remembering to take care of yourself? I forget sometimes, so I’m writing this for myself as much as…


Do you need to change your settings?

By Hazel Thornton | October 7, 2019 |

Are you frustrated with your life? Or, maybe your life is pretty good, but you’re annoyed with a few aspects of it? Maybe you just need to change your settings.


The Procrastitivity Zone

By Hazel Thornton | September 19, 2019 |

Sometimes I think procrastination gets a bad rap. Most articles I’ve read (and written) focus on the negative consequences of delaying a task or project. They also talk about how we trick ourselves into feeling productive by accomplishing one thing while we’re delaying doing another. I call that procrastitivity. And I don’t think it’s always…


Why you need a Project Box & a Master To-Do List

By Hazel Thornton | September 9, 2019 |

Do you have unfinished household projects lying around? I can tell what my clients’ projects are at a glance – there are light bulbs that need changing; clothing that needs repairing; pictures that need to be framed and hung; and gifts that need to be wrapped. They are sitting out on the counters, tables, and…


10 Ways to Trick your Family into Being Organized

By Hazel Thornton | August 26, 2019 |

Are you the organized one in your family? Does it seem pointless to try to stay organized, with everyone making messes right behind you as you go around the house tidying up? Here are some sneaky ways to get them onboard with your organizing systems.


Are your files backed up?

By Hazel Thornton | August 19, 2019 |

I originally wrote this post for World Back Up Day (Don’t be an April Fool – Take the Pledge!) But…really, shouldn’t every day be Back Up Day? (Click to view video: “What Would You Do if You Lost Everything?“)


What are you worried about? Don’t worry – Take action!

By Hazel Thornton | July 29, 2019 |

What are you worried about? I think we all worry sometimes, don’t you? We worry about our health, and the health of our loved ones. About our appearance, and how we measure up to others. About money, and how our businesses are doing. About whether or not we’re being good parents. We worry about (fill…


Organizing to De-Stress a Major or Chronic Illness

By Hazel Thornton | July 19, 2019 |

Illness is stressful. The less you have to worry about, the more you can focus your energy on getting well. And getting organized will help you worry less. This concept applies to any prolonged medical condition that results in decreased energy and mobility. Here are some examples: recovery from a planned surgery an unplanned medical…


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Hazel's Books

Book cover: What's a Photo Without the Story? How to Create Your Family Legacy

What’s a Photo Without the Story? How to Create Your Family Legacy

Cover of "Go With the Flow! (The Clutter Flow Chart Workbook)"

Go With the Flow! (The Clutter Flow Chart Workbook)

Cover of "Hung Jury: The Diary of a Menendez Juror"

Hung Jury: The Diary of a Menendez Juror
