Are you and your clutter ready to “Go With the Flow”?

Woman holding and presenting a copy of Go With the Flow!

Go With the Flow! The Clutter Flow Chart Workbook


Looking for a new, fun way to get clutter-free in ’23?

Inn-tro-du-cingg…(drumroll, please)…the long-awaited release of my latest project:

Go With the Flow! The Clutter Flow Chart Workbook





Want to declutter but not sure where to start? Get clutter-free in '23 with the Clutter Flow Chart Workbook: Go With the Flow!! Share on X

With these handy visual aids by your side, clutter will simply flow right out of your home, office, and life!

I created these charts to help my clients continue the decluttering process when I’m not right there by their sides. Then I realized they can help you, too!

Many of my professional organizing colleagues love using them with their clients, and in their marketing and presentations.

More charts. Less clutter.

Clutter weighs us down.

Everyone deserves to feel lighter!

Less clutter. More life.

The Clutter Flow Chart Collection started with The ORIGINAL, of which you can download your free copy here.

(Face it, if you don’t like this one, you probably won’t want 16 more of them, LOL!)

The 8.5X11, 170-page workbook includes instructions, charts, articles, and worksheets for 17 different types of clutter:

Original, Kitchen, Office, To-Do List, Paper, Kids’ Paper, Holiday Activity, Holiday Decor, Occupied Staging, Closet, Keepsake, Mental, Garage, Cash Flow, Photo, Ancestry, and Getting Back on Track.

Want to declutter, but not sure where to start? No problem — there’s a bonus chart to help you decide!

Each chapter helps you answer these questions:

  • What is clutter?
  • Why can’t I part with my clutter?
  • What should I do with my clutter?
  • What if, despite my best intentions, I am still living with clutter?

(The answers are similar, yet different for each type of clutter.)

Who is it for?

For DIY declutterers:

If you like visual aids, and would love some super-affordable advice and encouragement from a veteran professional organizer, this is the book for you! Many of you will have no problem organizing your stuff once there’s less stuff to organize. The charts, articles, and worksheets work together to help you decide what’s important for you to keep and what to do with the rest of it. If you do need help — and trust me, even organizers need help sometimes! — there’s a handy resource section as well.

For professional organizers and their clients:

We all know that even the best DIY-ers sometimes need our help, so each chapter ends with some version of, “If you need help, call a professional organizer!” Many of you are already familiar with the Clutter Flow Chart Collection and I am super grateful to those who have had them custom-branded for your businesses (which, since I’ve mentioned it, you should know I will no longer be doing). The charts are great for working with clients (in person or virtually); for helping those with (or without) ADHD stay focused; for social media, newsletters, and marketing; and for making presentations. Please read “Note to Professional Organizers” here (also in the workbook) for my recommendations on how to use the charts with your clients, and how not to.

Please share this post

DO share this post with anyone you think would be interested!

But DON’T buy the book for them if they haven’t requested it, LOL! (As per my pre-publication blog post: Why my next book would make a terrible gift.)

Ready to get started?

Click here to:

  • Order your copy today
  • Download your FREE copy of the updated ORIGINAL Clutter Flow Chart
  • Read “Note to Professional Organizers”
  • Read endorsements from chart users
  • And much more!

Whether or not you’re currently in the market for the workbook, there are lots of ways to help others discover it in my blog post, 10 FREE Ways to Support Your Favorite Authors.


Are you a fan of Clutter Flow Charts? Or, are you just now learning about them?

Do you think you’ll try decluttering the Clutter Flow Chart way?

Please let us know in the comments below!




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  1. Seana Turner on March 13, 2023 at 11:58 am

    Love this great resource, and how you took the time to help various audiences understand how to best use it.

    My brain thinks like this, so it really is a great fit for the way I work.

    Hats off to you, Hazel!

    • Hazel Thornton on March 13, 2023 at 12:04 pm

      Thank you, my chart- and graphic-creating friend and colleague!

  2. Janet Barclay on March 13, 2023 at 12:46 pm

    I love the flow charts, because they match the way I think too! Did I ever tell you that I once created a Research Manual that consisted of nearly all flow charts?

    • Hazel Thornton on March 13, 2023 at 7:18 pm

      Why no, you didn’t. Interesting!

  3. Julie Bestry on March 13, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    I love your book, I love the warm, wise way you write, and I love that I profiled your book before you did! LOL. The book is so logical that it will straighten out the thinking of anyone who is feeling overwhelmed with the process in any of your many categories. You’ve got a gift, even if the book shouldn’t be a gift. 😉

    • Hazel Thornton on March 13, 2023 at 7:20 pm

      Thanks, Julie! I love that you profiled my book too!

  4. Linda Samuels on March 13, 2023 at 3:22 pm

    Congratulations on launching your new workbook! I know it will help LOTS of people. Making decisions can be the single biggest challenge in decluttering. But your well-thought-out charts will make the process less stressful and more productive. Way to go, Hazel!

    • Hazel Thornton on March 13, 2023 at 7:17 pm

      Thank you, Linda!

  5. Sabrina Quairoli on March 16, 2023 at 9:24 am

    Congratulations, Hazel! You are the Queen of flow charts! I love to make checklists and guides for clients, but I am nowhere near as proficient at it as you are—best of luck with your new book.

    • Hazel Thornton on March 26, 2023 at 7:27 pm

      Thank you, Sabrina!

  6. Janet Schiesl on March 17, 2023 at 5:27 am

    I love your charts!

    • Hazel Thornton on March 26, 2023 at 7:27 pm

      Thanks, Janet!

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